Demi here (CEO of 12th Tribe)… Get 50% Off

12th Tribe sent this email to their subscribers on March 8, 2024.

Oh why hello there babe,


Demi here! CEO (chief fun officer, trash taker outer,\xa0 digital stylist, you name it)


Anyways - fun things happening: I need your help with a major digital clean up so we can bring MORE NEW ARRIVALS!\xa0


Now if you were IRL with me I’d probably ring ya to help me in the warehouse, but lucky for you I’m not gonna make ya do that;)


Anyways, I have about 85 styles that I am going to take offline tomorrow, BUT I gotta get rid of as much as possible.\xa0


My team is going to take off all of the styles in\xa0this collectionin 24 hours, but before they do I have a 50% OFF code for you to get whatever you want.

EVERYTHING in\xa0this collection\xa0will be taken offline and we’re going to be discontinuing all of these. Soo literally it’s going to be gone forever.


Go to town! All styles are removed at 11am PST tomorrow FOREVER!



~ Demi

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