Captain’s Log – Happy Holidays

Awkward Essentials sent this email to their subscribers on December 24, 2023.

Hi friends!\xa0

Welcome to the Captain’s Log! If it’s your first time, this is where I share personal, insider founder musings aboard the AE pirate ship…which is exactly what it feels like over here.

We made it! Happy Holidays!! If your year was anything like ours, it was quite the roller coaster with lots of learnings along the way. A few things that stood out to me for next year…\xa0

1. Going with your gut. This can be so hard to do, especially with social pressure! But backwards rationalizing yourself in the wrong direction is so much worse.\xa0
2. Advocating for what you truly want. Despite sweaty armpits and nervousness (especially in a professional setting), it’s worth it.\xa0
3. Trusting that all of you are totally okay with content like this. A good friend recently told me she didn’t realize this note went out to everyone. It’s true that this is really unusual content coming from a ‘brand’ - but I’m a real human and I love connecting with all of you as other real humans and I plan to keep it that way :)A huge thanks to all of you for letting us be us!\xa0
I know this email is a bit different than most, but my hope is to give you some insider, honest insight and a different flavor of AE. If you have anything to add to this list, I would love love to hear and learn from you. Thanks for being with us! Happy holidays!!

- Frances
Captain Awkward\xa0

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