5 Reasons You Should Masturbate More

Beducated DE • May 7

Beducated sent this email to their subscribers on May 7, 2024.
\t\t\tWhy you should touch yourself, according to science. 👉 \t\t\t
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Hey ,

The best DIY project you could ever embark on is some good ol’ fashioned masturbation. No, seriously, masturbation can have a host of positive effects on your mental well-being – and that’s according to science.

So in honor ofMasturbation May, here are five benefits of self-pleasure.

5 Reasons Masturbation Is Good For You
  1. Natural Stress Reliever
    Sexual activity and orgasms release two happiness hormones: oxytocin and endorphins. Both hormones can help reduce stress, ward off anxiety, and even boost self-esteem.

  2. Better Sex
    Studies have found that people who masturbate more frequently experience benefits in partnered sex, too. These include more confidence in the bedroom and better knowledge of their erogenous zones.

  3. More ME Time
    Hustle culture is an inevitable fact of life, making time for ourselves all the more important. Masturbation is the ultimate ME time. You get to decide what you want to do and how.

  4. Pain Relief
    Did you know that the term ‘endorphins’ comes from ‘endogenous morphine’? That’s because they mimic the painkiller morphine. One study found that masturbation reduced menstruation pain "at least somewhat" in 93% of respondents!

  5. Get them ZZzzZzs
    Masturbation releases a whole cocktail of powerhouse hormones which can result in a calming effect and better sleep. So next time you’re struggling to get some shut-eye, give self-pleasure a go!
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