Coffee Deliveries in December

Here's what you need to know about your coffee delivery

Blue Coffee Box sent this email to their subscribers on December 10, 2022.
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December is here again and we are busy getting your coffee ready.

As we head towards the festive break we want to ensure we can get your coffee to you on time.

Arrival before Christmas
The post is slow, as are most deliveries - let's not dwell on the why - so, to arrive before Christmas, we are sending everything out as quickly as we can in an un-branded bag (compostable) with a sticker on to explain not to open before the big day.\xa0

Your email receipt has a downloadable gift certificate, just in case of delays.

Arrival just after Christmas
Remember that there are many Bank Holidays to fit in - 26th, 27th December, 2nd January - and our staff deserve a break, too. Anything needing to arrive just after Christmas will be sent on the 21st.

Arrival in the New Year
Our team will be busy bees when they get back on 3rd January, so please be patient as they catch up. Safe working prevents us from having too many extra staff in our packing areas, but we don't take long to get back up to date.

Extra Coffee Dose for Christmas
Many of our customers like to get an extra delivery for the festive break. If so, you can order it as a "gift" for a single month and that won't start a new subscription. Or, even easier, just emaiI us athelp@bluecoffeebox.comand we will gladly organise it for you.

Getting my regular delivery before Christmas
If your regular subscription is usually posted from 24th to the end of the month, and you'd like us to send it earlier, email us athelp@bluecoffeebox.comand we can move it to be sent before everything shuts down.

Late Gift Orders
You can order at any time and we will continue to post them as normal until 23rd December. However, did you know that we have a selection ofGift Cards from £25? These are extremely popular as they work via email and can be redeemed at any time.

Anything Else
If I forgot anything,help@bluecoffeebox.comis the best way to get a quick and effective response from us. During December, we will answer as many questions over weekends and evenings as we can.\xa0

Meanwhile, enjoy the shopping and mince pies.
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Click Here to buy Coffee Gifts
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Gift cards are a great way to beat postal strikes.
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Click Here to buy Gift Cards
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Talk soon,

Harvey Butt
Blue Coffee Box

Ps: all our packaging is certified\xa0100% fast compostable

Pps: don't forget to take a look atBlue Tea Box-\xa0Gift cards\xa0are available too

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Blue Coffee Box Help Desk
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Blue Coffee Box Ltd Merlin House, Claremont Way, Canterbury, CT3 4BF United Kingdom
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