Secret Email Club

Booooooom US • May 4

Booooooom sent this email to their subscribers on May 3, 2024.
Hey everyone!
Only a few weeks left to submit to our next issue of Array! Learn more and submithere.\xa0
And don't forget that this yearsArt & Photo Book Awardis also currently open for submissions. If you have a specific series or a cohesive selection of work that you want to turn into a book, we want to see it!
Have a great weekend!
- Jeff

Image item
For our regular art and photo spotlights, we've always asked to see a body of work—multiple images—either a series or a cohesive selection of images. This is still the case for our spotlights, but we've realised this approach can be limiting when people don't have enough work that's ready to share. So once again, we're allowing single-image submissions to Array. Hopefully this makes it easier for you to submit!
Learn more and submithere. And if you haven't already grabbed our first issue, head over to ourshopand download the first issue of Array! It's Free!\xa0

Block 9th
For our second annual Booooooom Photo Awards, supported byFormat, we selected 5 winners, one for each of the following categories: Portrait, Street, Shadows, Colour, Nature. Now it is our pleasure to introduce the winner of the Street category, Riac Oseph, and the winner of the Shadows category, TJ Martin.\xa0
Block 11th
We had the chance to ask both of them some questions about their photography—check out interviews with the winnershere.\xa0

🎨\xa0Art Spotlights\xa0🎨
Block 17th

📸\xa0Photo Spotlights\xa0📸
Photographer Spotlight: Varvara Gorbunova

🔗Weekly Links\xa0🔗
  1. 📹A 15 Year Old Just Broke Every Tetris World Record- this is nuts.
  2. 📸2024 World Press Photo Awards winners.
  3. WeffRiddles: See how far you can make it in this text-based puzzle.
  4. Talks.mi: Interesting questions to use as conversation starters.
  5. Can't believe no one noticed this moment in James Cameron's film, The Abyss. Once you see it you can't unsee it.
