Lose 10-30 lbs of Fat & Keep It Off

Booty Bands sent this email to their subscribers on September 6, 2023.

Danita here!This is an important message for YOU!


I'm sick of seeing women struggling to lose weight


I'm sick of seeing these beautiful women with less energy and lacking confidence


Pay close attention and I'll tell youthe easier wayto:
1 - Shred unwanted fat\xa0\xa0
2 - See toned results and KEEP them\xa0\xa0

Click here to watch... or keep reading ...


But, here’s the problem...

Excessive cardio can skyrocket our stress hormone: cortisol. Cortisol decreases our ability to burn fat.\xa0 Too much cardio can actually hinder your defined lean look.


Because your resting metabolic rate decreases during cardio which means your body burns fewer calories, leaving you with a soft, fluffy look.\xa0

Sostopdoing excessive cardio and I’ll prove to you there’s an easier way inonly 15 minutes a day

Now what about those “New” (eye roll) fad diets?\xa0

Or as I like to call them ‘Restrictive diets’\xa0 These all leave you obsessing about food.\xa0\xa0

When you restrict, your bodydoesn’t get the right macronutrients it needs, then it stops working for you. Your body then will hold onto unwanted fat. This throws you into a rollercoaster of emotions and confusion.

So if you’re not sure what to eat, when, or howlet me prove to you there’s an easier way in only 15 minutes a day

Our method HEREtakes 15 minutes a day so can fit into your clothes better and have more energy\xa0

So why Trust Us?

We have 100% success rate in 1000’s of committed women who areKEEPINGtheir results\xa0 \xa0

"Tears of joy right now! I have never felt this good in my whole life! And it's SUSTAINABLE! I did it! I lost 5 inches just off my waist. Thank you so much, again, for giving me a chance and for investing in me! booty gains for real!”- Alyssa

"It's genius, really. the knowledge the showed me is powerful and transformational. My coach is extremely knowledgeable and very kind and understanding. What you guys have is like an Excellence program."- Michelle\xa0

"Life changing! Joined because I wanted belly fat loss and to grow my glutes. I ended up gaining confidence and control over my fitness! Things that used to be hard are now easy! Plus my booty is growing and my waist is shrinking. I've never been able to stick to a program this long before and I don't plan on stopping! Highly recommend it!"- Larissa

I want to invite you to watchmy demoand book a complimentary call with me or my team to see how this can work for you too.\xa0

You don’t have to struggle anymore to look & feel great.\xa0 Click thelink HEREand I’ll meet you on the other side\xa0\xa0


Your Supportive Coach,
Danita Young

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