The Power of AI Crypto Trading (10 of 14)

CoinTelegraph sent this email to their subscribers on January 10, 2024.
The very first official paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI) was

74 years ago.

In 1950.

(Who would have thought that?)

(But it’s true.)

By Alan Turing, a British polymath.

The paper was titledComputing Machinery and Intelligence.

Turing laid out his logical framework for why machines could
use available information (and reason) to solve problems and
make decisions.

Today, AI is everywhere.

An array of unseen algorithms have infiltrated our lives.

… in our Internet-connected devices.

… in our smartphones.

… in our security cameras and cars.


Including the most advanced AI crypto intelligence dashboard.

Markets Pro.

In 2023, Markets Pro AI-powered indicators found lots of
treasure in the crypto market.

Sending out 927 alerts that led to returns of 5% or more.

Not to mention more than 400 alerts that led to double-digit

Until recently, this technology was only available to about 150
of the top institutional traders in the world.

Now… it’s available to the rest of us.

You have a chance to use it at a fraction of what these
institutions pay for access.

But only if you jump on board now because…

The special offer to get access to this AI technology…

(And our fun little crypto treasure hunt series).

Ends in just four short days.

So, if you want the latest AI-powered crypto alerts…

For 70% Off what others have paid…

Go ahead and…


Max K.
Markets Pro Team

Tomorrow’s Crypto Treasure Hunt Episode
CTH: Finding Lost Crypto Treasure Daily (11 of 14)
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