The trend banks don’t want you to know

CoinTelegraph sent this email to their subscribers on February 18, 2024.
Dear Reader,

Bitcoin’s sprinting out of the gates this year.

Cruising past the 50K ceiling.

On its way to 60K+?

We’ll see.

But there’s another trend sweeping the legacy financial

It’s a trend that banks don’t want you to know.

Here’s what’s going on…

According to data from the St. Louis Fed…

Rich people keep pulling money out of commercial banks.

At a relatively higher rate than almost any other time.

This alarming trend started picking up steam last year.

In the first six months of 2023, bank deposits from the
wealthy fell by double-digits.

Everyday consumers also pulled some money out.

Just shy of 2%.

So where is the wealthy money going?

Well, in times of uncertainty we know the rich turn to gold.

However… more and more people are now turning to crypto
as a store of value.

Not to mention a source of cash flowing income.

With all the altcoins popping these days…

Trading crypto is a smart move.

Just yesterday…

  • PROMshot up65%.
  • PEAKshot up60%.
  • CKBshot up38%.

All within a short 24 hour window of opportunity.

These opportunities will continue to increase in number.

Especially as the new bull market gets going.

Go here to catch the best trades.


Max K.
Markets Pro Team

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Cointelegraph, 21 W 46th St, New York, NY 10036, United States