Lemon + water + acv + cinnamon (daily energy tonic)

Dumbbell Routines & Exercises sent this email to their subscribers on February 6, 2020.

Today's Featured Health Article:

>>Lemon + water + acv + cinnamon
(daily energy tonic)

Suffer With Low Energy, Weight Gain, and Fatigue?

PALM SPRINGS, CA --According to patients at the Center for Restorative Medicine, a new discovery has completely transformed their lives.

Founder and DirectorDr. Steven Gundryis a world-renowned heart surgeon, a best-selling author, and the personal physician to celebrities such as Tony Robbins. But his latest medical breakthrough could be the most important accomplishment of his career.

In a dramatic conference, Dr. Gundry unveiled a simple — yet highly effective — solution to issues that plague millions of Americans over 40: low energy, low metabolism and constant fatigue.

“When you’re feeling low energy, that’s your body screamingHELP!”He told the crowd.

Dr. Gundry’s radical solution was inspired by a breakthrough with a “hopeless” patient who had been massively overweight, chronically fatigued and suffering from severely clogged arteries.

The secret to his breakthrough?“There are key ‘micronutrients’ missing from your diet,”Dr. Gundry told the room. “If you can replenish them in very high dosages, the results can be astonishing.”

This unorthodox philosophy is what led Dr. Gundry to create an at-home solution for fatigue — which has since become remarkably successful with his patients.

“They’re reporting natural, long-lasting energy without a ‘crash’ and they’re feeling slim, fit and active,” he revealed.

The science behind his formula was met with both fascination and enthusiasm by those in attendance. Immediately following the announcement, Dr. Gundry’s team released acomprehensive video presentation, so that the public can be educated as to exactly how it works.

Watch the presentation here:

Within just a few hours, this video had gotten thousands of hits, and is now considered to have gone viral. One viewer commented: “If this works, it’s exactly what I’ve been praying for my whole life. I’ve never seen anything like this solution before…the truth about my diet was shocking and eye-opening.”

It makes a lot of sense, and it sounds great in theory, but we’ll have to wait and see what the results are. Knowing Dr. Gundry, however, there is a great deal of potential.

See his presentation here >>>>


Tonya Fines
Holistic Health Practitioner
Team Critical Bench


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