protein worse than smoking 20 cigarettes a day??

Dumbbell Routines & Exercises sent this email to their subscribers on February 7, 2020.

Protein is good for you, right?

It’s not that simple.\xa0

In fact, one study found that high protein diets CAN reduce life expectancy by the same number of years as smoking 20 cigarettes a day!

Yes, protein CAN be good for you... it can help you burn more fat, have a stronger immune system, more energy, less pain... even eliminate gas and shrink your waistline.

But protein is a double-edged sword.

Without the ability to DIGEST the protein you eat... you risk indigestion, bloating, heartburn, water retention, low energy, weak bones, obesity and even cancer.

The key lies in your body’s ability to BREAK DOWN the protein you eat, something very few people can do.\xa0 And it gets a lot harder with age, especially after 40.

That’s why you’ll probably be shocked tosee this video (below)of a steak being digested by one simple nutrient that takes 30 seconds or less to add to your diet each day.

This ONE NUTRIENTcould be the difference in whether protein transforms your health, or destroys your digestion and steal years from your life:\xa0

Keep training hard,

Mike Westerdal

P.S.Go here to read moreabout the shocking study that found protein can be as bad as smoking 20 cigarettes a day.Click here to protect yourself against protein and maximize your health.

P.P.S If you suffer from digestive issues like gas, bloating, cramping even when you’re eating healthy nutritious foods then you could probably benefit from a high quality enzyme because any protein your body doesn’t break down creates digestive distress, gas, bloating and constipation.

A high quality enzyme ensures that all the protein you consume breaks down into absorbable amino acids.

Today, you can get aFREE bottle MassZymes Enzymesto try (no strings attached).

IF you’ve never tried enzymes or even if you’ve tried and they haven’t worked, I want you to give THIS one a chance.

>>Click here to claim your FREE bottle of MassZymes today

Keep trainihg hard,

Mike Westerdal
PO BOX 17959, clearwater, FL 33762, USA

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