Make 2024 the healthiest year of your nails!

ella+mila sent this email to their subscribers on December 30, 2023.

Still thinking about your resolutions for 2024?

You can't go wrong withnurturing your nails!

Let's dive into 3 specific resolutions that put your nail health at center stage:

Resolution #1: Create A Nail Care Ritual

Turn your nail care routine into a self-love ritual! Our nails deserve some pampering and the great news is, they return the favor by looking naturally gorgeous! Treat them to some TLC and you'll definitely notice the difference.

Start your nail care ritual with these essentials

Resolution #2: Ditch The Acetone

It's no secret that acetone is filled with harsh chemicals that can turn your nails dry and brittle. And they're not exactly pro-environment either. Swap those harsh chemicals with a gentler and eco-friendly solution!

Remove nail polish easily and guilt-free

Resolution #3: Quit The Nail Biting Habit

Can you believe that up to 30% of the population bites their nails? If you're one of them and want to quit the habit, we've got your tips covered! Click below to meet your nail-biting solutions and say goodbye to the habit for good.

Help me stop biting my nails


Remember – consistency is key when it comes to new year resolutions.

Stick with it and your nails will look drop-dead gorgeous by the time 2024 ends!

Happy New Year,
The Ella+Mila Team





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