Inside the Making of a Jazz Masterpiece

The word “timeless” has become a cliché, a selling tool for luxury goods. And yet Kind of Blue is a timeless album, and “So What” arguably its signature number. What is this about? For sixty years and more, jazz and popular music had consisted of songs that told stories, either explicitly—in lyrics—or in their construction. You knew how it turned out—maybe you knew before the song started—but hearing about it could make you forget your troubles for a while or identify with the singer’s or the musician’s troubles. But with Miles, in life and in art, it was always the thing withheld. The essence of “So What” was that you had no idea how it turned out, or if it turned out. Which was pretty much the way the world was looking at that moment, and maybe the way (you had to think) it was going to look from then on.

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