Time To Do The Government Shutdown Shuffle Again

I'm not built for New York City winter, but my boots absolutely are. Before moving to the city, I lived in Georgia for 20 years straight, and I can count on one hand the number of times we got snow. But, because my family is outdoorsy and my dad is old-fashioned, I've always had a pair of leather shitkicking boots that stood up to rain. Now I know they also hold up in snow, mud, and any other shit this city has to offer. We require a lot from a pair of boots. In the warm months, they've got to perform. In the cold months, they've got to perform even harder. No boot is better equipped for all that the elements have to offer year-round than the American-made Danner Mountain Light II, and no pair looks better than this.

Esquire sent this email to their subscribers on February 28, 2024.