Unlock exclusive savings and get 35% off on TikTok! ⏰ | ESR

ESRGear sent this email to their subscribers on April 12, 2024.

Hi ,


We are excited to announce that our products are now available on TikTok. This is a great opportunity for you to explore our range of products in a new and engaging way!

Since we are launching our products on a new platform, we are offering an exclusive deal of 35% off on our MagSafe wallet collection. This collection includes a variety of options, such as wallet stands, Geo wallets with Find My, and more. You will find something that will meet your style and needs and provide you with convenience like never before.\xa0


MagSafe Wallet Collection: Save 35% Off\xa0


Please note that this is a limited-time offer, so don't miss out on this opportunity to save big!\xa0


Best regards,

The ESR Team



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