Discover In-page push notification ads

Gain access to over 200m daily ad cpc-based ad impressions. Generate more conversions with In-page push. Gain access to 200m daily ad impressions with in-page push notification ads, learn more with this article.

EZmob sent this email to their subscribers on August 24, 2023.
Gain access to over 200m daily ad cpc-based ad impressions. Generate more conversions with In-page push.
Gain access to 200m daily ad impressions with in-page push notification ads, learn more with this article.

Learn how to generate more conversions with In-page push notification ads. This effective ad format is what media buyers user to scale their ROI and gain access to over 200m daily impressions.

What are In-Page Push Ads?

In-page push ads\xa0are\xa0shown directly on our direct publisher’s websites, as a small notification similar to the traditional push notification ad which also guaranteed 100% visibility for advertisers.\xa0The main advantage with In-Page push is that it does not require user subscription, hence it generates much more inventory for media buyers and affiliate to work with.\xa0

Popular Verticals for In-Page Push Ads

These verticals work best with in-page push.\xa0

Learn more about In-Page Push Advantages:\xa0

In-Page Push ads are the most effective ad formats for generating conversions and pushing affiliate offers. Pay for more than just impressions with CPC bids starting at \\$0.003 / click. We've gathered all the information need to know about In-Page Push:\xa0

►\xa0The pros and cons of in-page push ads

►\xa0how to setup and optimize your first in-page push campaign

► The best verticals for in-page push with examples

► The best country combos for in-page push campaigns.\xa0

► In-page push ads pricing


Check out ourhelpdesk\xa0articles,case studies\xa0orblog\xa0for more helpful information, or get in touch by simply replying to this email or visiting our on-website chat.\xa0