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20% off our Just Right Signature Burlap-Wrapped Bouquet

Farmgirl Flowers sent this email to their subscribers on January 22, 2024.
X's and O's? Deliver them right to your Valentine's door. Save 30% on our signature XOXO Burlap-Wrapped Bouquet with code HUGSANDKISSES at checkout, today only.
Forget it not. Mark February 14th in your calendars now. Plan ahead. Make the reservation/map out your date/buy the flowers early. Be y-o-u. If grand gestures aren’t your thing, keep it simple. Be original. They don’t necessarily want the roses + baby’s breath + cellophane trifecta. You’ve only been told (by decades of marketing spend) that they do. No stuffed bears, gummy bears. Speaking of sweets, might we suggest some chocolate? Whatever you’re gifting, a blank space is not an option. Write the darn card. Still stumped? Asking what they want ahead of time doesn’t make a present any less of a gift. From Vals to Pals, ‘tines come in all forms. Send a little love to all your loved ones this February. Don’t forget yourself. Big or small, treat yourself come Valentine’s Day, too.
Shop Valentine's Day
Having had a front row seat to almost fifteen Valentine's Days now, it's safe to say we've learned a thing or two about Cupid's favorite holiday. First, only the white conversation hearts are edible. Second, all chocolate is good chocolate if it's loved by the person you're gifting it to. And last, of all the holidays that crop up on the calendar each year, this one can be one of the more complicated for some folks. And while we know that you know that we can wax philosophical about all the reasons why, one of the biggest is that with generations of marketing and expectations and TV shows and movies and Hallmark cards trumping up this idea that February 14th is the be all and end all of romantic love, it's no wonder some of y'all are under pressure. And we're here to tell you that's fair. And also, we're here to help. We've put together some of our top (let's call them) guidelines for getting it right for Valentine's. And by right we mean celebrating stress free. Because, real talk, the only acceptable time that love and stress should go together is if the BBC versions of Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth are navigating its uncharted waters.
Discount is valid from 12:01am on Monday, January 22nd, 2024 until 11:59p PST on Monday, January 22snd, 2024. To use, enter code XOXO at checkout. Discount valid only on the XOXO Burlap-Wrapped Bouquet. Discount does not apply to gift cards or applicable shipping fees or taxes. Discount cannot be combined with any other promotion and is ineligible to be used on arrangements or plants in the Free Ship Shop or marked on sale. Discount does not apply to previous purchases.
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