Last chance for 18% off!

Foria sent this email to their subscribers on March 10, 2024.

Hey Dwight!

Happy (belated) International Women’s Day!\xa0
I hope you found some time on March 8th to celebrate your strength, beauty, resilience, softness and sensuality in whatever way felt nourishing to you.\xa0
If you didn’t — it’s certainly not too late!It’s also not too late to shop our International Women’s Day sale.You can still get (most) of your favorite Foria formulas for 18% off with the code: WAGEGAP.But hurry, today’s the last day!
We chose “WAGEGAP” as our code because the 18% discount is our way of attempting to even out the wage gap – which is still very, very real (unfortunately).\xa0
On average, women still only make 82% of what men make. We wish women could get discounts on everything to make up for this pay discrepancy, but for now, we hope this 18% off helps.
You probably know this, butour mission every day at Foria is to even out the orgasm gap.If you don’t know what that is; the orgasm gap is research that shows 95% of heterosexual men usually orgasm during sex, but only 65% of heterosexual women said the same.\xa0
So whether you want to join me in evening out the wage gap, the orgasm gap, or you just want to get savings on your favorite Foria formulas, I hope you had a fabulous International Women’s Day and continue celebrating yourself all month long!\xa0
Yours in health, happiness & ending the orgasm gap once and for all,
Kiana Reeves
Somatic Sexual Educator & Chief Education Officer at Foria\xa0
P.S. Today’s the last day toshop 18% off for International Women’s Day!Use code: WAGEGAP



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FORIA 2440 Junction Place Unit 102 Boulder, CO 80301