#1 evidence-based supplement for fat loss?

Future Kind sent this email to their subscribers on January 9, 2024.

Warning: This email contains information regarding weight loss supplements. We know this topic can be triggering for some, so please disregard this email if that’s the case for you.

Hi Brian,

Shaun here.

Want to know what the leading independent supplement platform\xa0Examine.com\xa0recommends for weight loss?

This is based on thousands of studies.

Hint: It’s not some random arctic berry…

It’s protein powder.


Because it helps us to feel more full.

Here’s an extract:

Another reason why protein may help to reduce body fat is its effects on appetite. Depending on the individual, protein improves overall satiety when taken right before a meal. This is likely related to

enhanced ghrelin reduction and GLP-1 secretion, in comparison with other macronutrients.

How much protein do you need daily?

  • In the US, the recommended amount is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight (0.36 grams/lb)
  • More recent studies suggest a minimum of 1.0-1.2 grams/kg as the minimum daily intake for sedentary adults who wish to maintain muscle mass without losing or gaining weight
  • A person with overweight or obesity should aim for 1.2–1.5 grams/kg (0.54–0.68 grams/lb)
  • A person who follows a vegan diet or obtains most of their protein from plants may have higher protein requirements

How much protein are you really getting?

As someone who eats a vegan diet, I was shocked when I first started measuring my macronutrients.

I recommend using a free app like Cronometer or My Fitness Pal and recording everything you eat for a couple of days.

I was getting 30 grams of protein a day if I was lucky, which is less than a third of what I need to build muscle.

All those sessions in the gym and I wasn’t giving my body the protein it needs to create muscle.

While legumes are the healthiest foods in the world, an average can of black beans contains just 15 grams of protein. And how often do you eat a whole can of beans?

The average US woman weighs 170 pounds / 77 KG, so you would need to eat 6 cans minimum to hit you goals or 4 full blocks of tofu a day.

It’s even harder for the average US man who weight 197 pounds / 89kg.

Enter protein powder…

For years now I’ve made it part of my daily routine to consume a daily shake of organic pea protein powder, which immediately gives me 20 grams of protein and half my daily iron requirements.

I just add a scoop of powder in my shaker, shake and go.

If I’m feeling fancy I’ll throw some additional ingredients in and blend (though my 18 month old daughter hates the sound of my blender so it’s been unused recently!).

I still ensure each meal I consume contains a rich source of protein (nuts for breakfast, tofu for lunch etc.), but the protein powder sets the foundation.

Grab ourplant-powered protein shakefor just \\$24.50 (50% OFF) this week - use code "SHAKE" at checkout

Look I’ve sent a couple of emails about this now, but we’re still overstocked with our last batch and need to sell them to create room for our next batch (arriving in a few weeks).

They don’t expire until 2025 either.

So we’re offering 50% off our plant-powered shake, which also includes a super greens blend with spinach and blueberries and a fiber blend with oats, chia and flax to help keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Plus, if it’s you first order you’ll receive a free stainless steel shaker.

And if you order 4 pouches or more you get free shipping.

Though the cleverest are ordering 24 pouches and getting a years worth at this discount!

The pouch is also home compostable, so no more plastic bags.

We’ve automatically applied the discount to the website, this offer won’t last much longer.

Grab them here.

If you’re trying to reduce your weight this January, a protein powder is the most evidence-based supplement available and at \\$24.50, what have you got to lose?

Use the code "SHAKE" at checkout for the 50% discount this week.


Take care,


P.S. Turns out the Dad bod thing is real. I’ve lost almost 10kg / 22lb this year. The key for me was: gym 3 days a week, plant-powered protein powder in the mornings for breakfast, using the app “Less” to track the number of alcoholic drinks I have each week (I try to keep to less than 7), avoid ordering any fast food but still indulging in a few blocks of dark chocolate each evening (I have a terrible sweet tooth). Good luck, you’ve got this!

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