Happy Socks Prints as Wallpapers

Yes, you read that correctly! Get ready to go socks to the walls with a brand new collaboration featuring your favorite Happy Socks prints!

Happy Socks sent this email to their subscribers on March 14, 2024.
Yes, you read that correctly! Get ready to go socks to the walls with a brand new collaboration featuring your favorite Happy Socks prints!
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Sock it to the walls!
We're doing something completely different, once again! This time it's actually not about socks (at least not directly), instead it's about our prints! We're teaming up with wallpaper extraordinaries Rebel Walls to bring you a new way to enjoy Happy Socks. That's right, some of our all time favorite prints are now available as wallpapers, so you can finally enjoy Big Dot not only on your feet, but also on your walls! The Rebel Walls x Happy Socks collection features a wide range of prints, including dots, stripes, and clouds in various vibrant colorways. With shared values and dedication to celebrating individuality, Rebel Walls and Happy Socks are ready to make a colorful impact on the world of interior design.
Dancing Flower Sock
Cloudy Sock
Summer Lo-Fi Sock
Striped Sock
Big Dot Sock
Dizzy Sock
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138 Spring Street
New York 10012, USA
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