New Collection on the Horizon

A new season is upon us, which means we've designed some new socks, perfect for the occasion. Check this out!

Happy Socks sent this email to their subscribers on January 23, 2024.
A new season is upon us, which means we've designed some new socks, perfect for the occasion. Check this out!
AdultsKidsGiftsLimited EditionsSale
Seasons are changing
Our new collection is almost here!
When the seasons change, that means one thing in the world of colorful socks: a new collection is on the horizon! Let us tell you, these new socks of ours are absolutely, colorifically, joyously ready to take the world by storm! We won't reveal too much, but let's just say that we're going all in on those summer vibes, cocktail in hand, music on blast.
Sale's here!
Get ready for savings! We're discounting hundreds of socks with up to 50% off*! A great opportunity to restock on socks!
*Discounts vary per product. Exclusions apply.
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138 Spring Street
New York 10012, USA
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