Summery Socks and Lo-fi Beats

A match made in heaven! These socks aren't just your average commonplace footwear, they're specially designed to give you maximum summer lo-fi vibes.

Happy Socks sent this email to their subscribers on April 4, 2024.
A match made in heaven! These socks aren't just your average commonplace footwear, they're specially designed to give you maximum summer lo-fi vibes.
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Summer Lo-fi
You've been vibing to that same lo-fi list for a while now, and why shouldn't you? These beats are just what the socktor ordered. As are these socks, obviously! This is our take on summery nights by the garden or poolside. Enjoy a frozen treat at the break of dawn in the company of good friends and amazing music. Yeah, that sounds about right.
4-Pack Pool Party Sock Gift Sest
Garden Sock
Ice Cream Sock
Leo Sock
Summer Lo-Fi Sock
Banana Sock
Pool Side Sock
Crocodile Sock
Kids Crocodile Sock
This is your brain on Happy
This is your brain on Happy
Happy Trivia
Each season we have a few styles we call "Standouts", which are socks that represent the season's theme to the fullest. These socks are chock-full of cool features and novel ideas. Make sure to check them out!
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New York 10012, USA
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