Get your free FUCK OFF socks

& discover our spring novelties | sent this email to their subscribers on March 12, 2024.

Discover The Hottest Novelties

Ready for fresh styles? Spring is the perfect time to freshen up your closet and give your style an upgrade. There's plenty of new merch, practical transition jackets, cool accessories and much more waiting for you in the store.

From an order value of \\$30, you can get our exclusive "FUCK OFF" socks for free - simply use the code SOCKS - your size at the end of your shopping trip. Plunge into our new products now!

Shop now

Band Merch

Light jackets

Jeans & pants


Let your collector heart beat faster

Discover our huge range of collectibles now and bring your entertainment favorites into your home! From popular TV series and blockbuster films to trendy video games - you'll find the coolest collectibles in our shop.


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Copyright © 2024 IC Music and Apparel GmbH
Deutscher Platz 4
04103 Leipzig, Germany
CEOs: Fabian Kraffczyk and Martin Böttcher
Local Court of Leipzig, HRB 25392
VAT ID: DE267330102

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