Automated Email Error! Sorry!

We accidentally sent out an automated email for our Tool Of The Day list, sorry!

KC Tool sent this email to their subscribers on November 17, 2023.
\xa0We accidentally sent out an automated email for our Tool Of The Day list, sorry!
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You may have gotten an email earlier welcoming you to our "Tool Of The Day" newsletter list. This was an automated email that was sent out by mistake! My Fault! You have not been added to the Tool Of The Day list unless you willingly chose to. If you get any emails from us that you did not choose to get, please let us know or change your subscription preferences in the footer below. Please accept my apologies for this error! - Collin

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Collin Thomas, Marketing and Media Manager

KC Tool

1280 N. Winchester Street
Olathe, KS 66062
United States of America

Thank you for being a part of our mailing list.\xa0We understand that your preferences may change, though. Please click the link below to update them

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