Enjoy €20 / $25 off your Language Sprint entry fee!

Reserve your seat by 24 October 2023

Lingoda sent this email to their subscribers on October 15, 2023.
Reserve your seat by 24 October 2023
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Sprint to success!

Don’t miss your chance to join the Language Sprint. Places are limited, and registrations are closing soon.

This is a fantastic challenge for your language skills, motivation and competitiveness. Choose between 15 or 30 classes per month and see if you can complete the challenge and earn50% cashbackoreven more class creditsto continue your learning.\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

When do my classes start?

When do my classes start?

By signing up for the Language Sprint, you are committing to 1 month of classes. Your classes will run3 November - 2 December.\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

Find out more
Discover a different way to learn with Lingoda

Turn your goals into reality with our monthly courses

With a choice between 5, 12, 20 and 40 classes per month, you can learn at your own pace and create realistic goals. Our courses are designed by experts and taught by experienced, native-level teachers. Plus, with a structured, CEFR-aligned curriculum and focused study area, you’re guaranteed reach your goals quickly. \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

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