PSA: We brought back this limited-time flavor…

Magic Spoon sent this email to their subscribers on February 6, 2024.

Hi -,

Do you believe in second chances? Hopefully, now you do.

If you didn’t get to tryCocoa Peanut Butter, thislimited-editionflavorisback for the next few days(or until we run out)!

Hurry–this might be yourlast chanceto try it before this flavor is gone again.

Add this popular flavor to acustom bundle, or go all in with ourChoco PB Mix(2 boxes of Cocoa Peanut Butter cereal, 2 boxes of Chocolatey Peanut Butter Treats).

Don’t miss out again on this sweet & salty favorite!

Happy Spooning,\xa0

Magic Spoon Team


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