Legendary Valentines Sale (33% off!) + How to Make Your Own Superfood Chocolate!

Use code VLOVE23 to save 33% | Simple instructions on making your OWN chocolate!

Mandala Naturals sent this email to their subscribers on February 7, 2023.

Valentine’s Day = Chocolate.

For some Valentines Day is a corporate Gimmick. For others it is an opportunity to show love and affection for others. But we also know that LOTS of chocolate gets eaten on this holiday, and most of it is confectionary poison at best.

So we humbly submit to you the alternative: make sure your family, friends and kiddos are eating theBESTchocolate possible!

Use CodeVLOVE23to get a whopping 33% off on orders \\$99 or more!

How to Make Raw Superfood Chocolate!

Billions of people around the world love chocolate. It has captured the minds and hearts (and bellies!) of the world to where we cannot even imagine the world without it.

Most people simply enjoy chocolate and don;’ think much about how it is made. Fewer ever take the step to make their own chocolate treats themselves.

In this guide we will teach you how to make your own chocolate from scratch. We will give you two different strategies.

One for the freezer or fridge, and another more complicated recipe for shelf stable tempered chocolate you can pour into molds and share with your friends!

Being that this is Mandala Chocolate and we specialize in the Most Nutritious Chocolate in the World, we will be sharing the strategy we recommend for creating healthy treats that are a salutation to your health while also being delicious.

Recipe 1: Easy homemade chocolate (refrigerated)


As always we recommend working with the healthiest ingredients possible. We have blogs outlining just why this matters. Scale this recipe to your liking.

4-6oz of organic cacao butter

4oz of organic coconut oil

8oz of cacao powder

4oz of coconut sugar or maple syrup *substitute yacon powder or syrup for sugar free!)

*you can substitute the cacao butter and powder for 8 oz of organic cacao paste*

Options for extra flavor (1tsp or to taste)

Organic cinnamon

Organic maca

Organic chia seeds (add a crunchy texture)

Organic nuts and seeds for crunch

Baking sheet and parchment paper (optional)


First we want melt cacao butter, coconut oil or our cacao paste.

Unless you own a chocolate melter use a double boiler. You do not want to heat these much beyond what it takes to melt them. It takes a little longer but worth it for flavor and nutritional value.

Once melted, add your cacao powder, your sugar, syrup and your seasonings, to taste.

Ass the mixture cools and becomes tacky, add nuts or seeds for texture, as desired. Roll into balls.

Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and place your balls on it, place in the fridge. Once hardened they can be stored in tupperware or glass in the fridge (short term) or freezer (long term).

That’s it. Super easy and delicious!

Recipe 2:2 Tempered Chocolate (shelf stable)

8-10oz of organic cacao butter

8oz of cacao powder

4-8oz of coconut sugar *substitute yacon powder for sugar free!)

*you can substitute the cacao butter and powder for 8 oz of organic cacao paste*

Options for extra flavor (1tsp or to taste)

Organic cinnamon

Organic maca

Organic chia seeds (add a crunchy texture)

Organic nuts and seeds for crunch

Baking sheet and parchment paper or molds or anything really!

First we want melt cacao butter or our cacao paste.

Unless you own a chocolate melter use a double boiler. You do not want to heat these much beyond what it takes to melt them. It takes a little longer but worth it for flavor and nutritional value.

Once melted, add your cacao powder, your sugar and your seasonings, to taste.


We only briefly mention the most disgusting way many home-chocolate makers temper their chocolate. They put it in the microwave. It works, but at what cost? We recommend avoiding this.

Other ways to temper involve stirring chocolate with thermometer until it reaches 120º. Stir in some of your favorite tempered chocolate (Mandala Chocolate of course!!!) and continue stirring. Cool to 92º and then bring back up to 96º while stirring gently.


Take a piece of marble or any stone slab and freeze it to 55 or less. Place a few cups of chocolate on the slab. Using scraper blades to move the chocolate on the slab until it has the consistency of fudge. Place the chocolate from slab back into the liquid mix and stir. Do this until you see a shiny patina on the chocolate! It should be ready to go.

*NOTE* tempering is fickle and mya take some trial and error. Do not get discouraged! It gets better with practice!

Add nuts or seeds for texture, as desired to your tempered chocolate.

Pour into molds, into sheets or however you like! Refrigerate until solid, and remove before chocolate becomes too cold (you do not want condensation when you pull it out!)

Congratulations on your first tempered chocolate!

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