Getting hot this Valentine’s?

Miracle Brand sent this email to their subscribers on February 1, 2024.

Hey there, it’s Anne from the Miracle Made Team!

Valentine’s Day is coming upfast.

Whether you gift yourself a luxe day of self-love or if things get a little frisky with your partner, you won’t want to lounge around in old smelly sheets.

Treat yourself and your Valentine to luxurious, comfortable, soft-as-a-cloud Miracle Made sheets that’ll keep you cool (even if things get a little hot).

And since we’re supporters of true love,save an extra 20% on sheets AND we’ll throw in a free set of towels.

>> Claim your Valentine’s Day deal here!

Enjoy your day of love, and all the miraculous sleep you’ll get afterwards.

-Anne and the Miracle Made team
Miracle Made
228 Park Ave S PMB 7389 New York, NY 10003

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