A Pro’s Kettlebell Leg Workout With The Single-Leg Deadlift

If you don’t have access to a gym, the kettlebell is the more practical option than conventional free weights...

Onnit sent this email to their subscribers on February 9, 2024.
If you don’t have access to a gym, the kettlebell is the more practical option than conventional free weights...
If you’ve been curious about steel mace training but don’t know where to begin,\xa0or feel intimidated by what seems like a medieval bludgeon, let this guide demystify the mace for you. By the end, you’ll understand why it’s outlasted innumerable\xa0fitness\xa0innovations and gimmicks alike to remain one of the most effective training implements you can use to enhance stability, mobility, power, and rotational strength.\xa0
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 16.06.02

In one of life’s funny ironic twists, you’ve got two legs, but you spend most of your time using one or the other.When you think about it, running is done with one leg at a time. So is most jumping and bounding, as well as turning and cutting. Even walking to your mailbox requires alternating legs to stabilize the body and exert force. For these reasons, you absolutely MUST train unilaterally—one leg at a time. And one of the best exercises to choose is the single-leg deadlift done with a kettlebell.\xa0


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