Good Mornings: The Exercise Your Workout Needs

Here’s the ultimate guide to mastering this age-old lower-body builder for maximum safety and effectiveness.

Onnit sent this email to their subscribers on April 12, 2024.
Here’s the ultimate guide to mastering this age-old lower-body builder for maximum safety and effectiveness.
If you’ve been curious about steel mace training but don’t know where to begin,\xa0or feel intimidated by what seems like a medieval bludgeon, let this guide demystify the mace for you. By the end, you’ll understand why it’s outlasted innumerable\xa0fitness\xa0innovations and gimmicks alike to remain one of the most effective training implements you can use to enhance stability, mobility, power, and rotational strength.\xa0
Good Mornings: The Exercise Your Workout Needs

Some exercises have such funny names you have to wonder if that’s what they’re really called, or if a trainer made those names up just to mess with you (or make his/her workout sound fancy and exotic). We’re talking about moves like the Turkish getup, Bulgarian split squat, skull crusher, and, of course, the good morning. Many people won’t immediately recognize those first three by name, but nearly everyone interested in bigger, stronger muscles (especially the glutes) knows the good morning—and some wish the introduction had never been made.

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