How To Do The Zercher Squat Like A Pro

The Zercher squat can offer a low back-friendly alternative to back squats. Here’s how to do it right and incorporate it into your routine.

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The Zercher squat can offer a low back-friendly alternative to back squats. Here’s how to do it right and incorporate it into your routine.
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Zercher Squat Like a Pro

The Zercher squat\xa0can offer a low back-friendly alternative to back squats\xa0that also prepares you for sports like strongman competition or MMA. Here’s how to do it right and incorporate it into your routine.

The Zercher squat gets its funny name from a strongman named Ed Zercher. The rumor is that Zercher didn’t have a squat rack in his gym, so, rather than squat with a bar on his back, he had to place the barbell on the floor and then bend down and hook his arms\xa0under it to lift the bar into position at his belly. Today, many lifters do Zercher squats using a squat rack, but they perform the same basic movement, holding the bar in front of their body, in the bend of their elbows.

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