Improve Your Shoulder Mobility

The only way to keep your joints healthy is to be constantly moving them...

Onnit sent this email to their subscribers on April 19, 2024.
The only way to keep your joints healthy is to be constantly moving them...
If you’ve been curious about steel mace training but don’t know where to begin,\xa0or feel intimidated by what seems like a medieval bludgeon, let this guide demystify the mace for you. By the end, you’ll understand why it’s outlasted innumerable\xa0fitness\xa0innovations and gimmicks alike to remain one of the most effective training implements you can use to enhance stability, mobility, power, and rotational strength.\xa0
Improve Your Shoulder Mobility

How do you improve your shoulder mobility?

If you do your research, one thing becomes abundantly clear: the only way to keep your joints healthy is to be constantly moving them. The more you move, the more your joints receive nutrients from the blood, the more the cartilage maintains its composure and its integrity.

So I recommend what I call a Morning Routine. The goal is to move every joint as fully as possible. But today, we’re just going to work on the shoulder joint.

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