I have something to tell you about Aisle

Period Aisle US • 6:14am

Period Aisle sent this email to their subscribers on May 7, 2024.

Hey !

Wow, big news alert! You may have noticed that there have been A LOT of changes here at Aisle over the past few months. One of the biggest changes being that our incredible, trailblazing founders, Madeleine and Suzanne have officially handed over the reins of their 30 year legacy. To me!\xa0
Does that mean we just became best friends? I hope so!

Hi! I'm Lux, I'm 31, I'm queer, I have endometriosis, I founded Somedays (the largest selection of period pain relief), and I'm officially the new CEO here at Aisle.
When I heard Aisle needed a shakeup, I just had to jump in. I mean, how could I not? This place has been looking out for the health of people who menstruate for over 30 years, and now it needs our help? Count me in.
Which leads me to my next point. If you follow me online, you know that I believe in radical transparency so I'm going to be really honest with you—Aisle is struggling. You know how presidents have their first 100 days in office to prove themselves? Well I've got 60. And my first order of business is asking you to check out this quick video where we get very very real with you about what we need to do to survive this.

Watch Video Here
Like, Comment, Share and follow along to see if we can turn this ship around. We can't do it without you.\xa0

With gratitude,\xa0
Lux Perry\xa0
Somedays & Aisle Team

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