The secret’s out…

Petite Keep sent this email to their subscribers on April 10, 2024.
Hi, it's Lindsay from Petite Keep!
Spring is in full swing here in Saint Louis! Days are longer, tulips are everywhere (love!), and at Petite Keep we are gearing up for some super exciting launches that will take place over the next few months.
Aside from sharing a hint with you on our upcoming collab: one of my *favorite* brands in the design world and they're based out of the Northeast (any guesses?), I rounded up a few topics that have been top of mind for me lately:
  • Cliche to share I am spring cleaning to the max? Organization of all kinds has been my anthem these past few weeks! If you haven't already, take a peek at ourPetite Pouchesthat we launched earlier this year. Acid free and the perfect size for storing your most cherished items, they are truly an organizer's delight!
  • Lavender will soon have its moment at Petite Keep, and it's giving me ALL the spring feels! We are customer obsessed, always (!!) and that means listening to every piece of customer feedback we receive. We've heard from a lot of you that you're hoping for a purple PK - and I am excited to share that will soon be possible! Until then, I am loving all the lavender embroidery coming through our warehouse onour pink PK Signature Prints!
  • And last, but certainly not least, I need your help! I am expecting a baby boy in May, and his sisters have already affectionately nicknamed him 'Rodeo' (long story 😂). His nursery is Americana Cowboy meets a Grandmillenial Mama, and I 100% plan to embroider 'Rodeo' so as not to forget this sweet chapter when he received this iconic nickname. Help me decide which trunk to design! I'm torn between\xa0this one(classic!) but also lovethis one(seems fitting!). Reply back pretty please with your thoughts!
Hope you have a wonderful week! xx\xa0

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