Today, Your Purchase Matters! Learn More About our Giving Tuesday Benefactor, Our Little Haven

Petite Keep sent this email to their subscribers on November 28, 2023.

Hi there!

Giving Tuesday is here, and we couldn't be more excited! Last month, at our Holiday Trunk launch party, we asked our guests to weigh in on who would be named our Giving Tuesday benefactor for 2023. The choice was nearly unanimous –\xa0Our Little Haven! Through its community of professional caregivers, Our Little Haven is on a mission to create a safe, secure, and healing environment for those impacted by abuse, neglect, and mental or behavioral health needs. As a team, we partnered with Our Little Haven in 2022 and we are thrilled to continue this partnership alongside you - our incredible community. Even better, Our Little Haven is located in the birthplace of Petite Keep - Saint Louis, MO, a community nearest to our hearts!\xa0

Today, November 28th, we're thrilled to donate 10% of sales to Our Little Haven. As a team focused on the importance of family, we are proud to support such an impactful cause. Thank you for joining us!\xa0

Start shopping\xa0here.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!

Founder & CEO, Petite Keep\xa0

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