Thank You For 17,500 Reviews!

Planet of the Vapes sent this email to their subscribers on January 15, 2024.

Dear customer,

We're overjoyed to share a remarkable achievement –17,500 TrustPilot reviews!Asthe most-rated vape shoponTrustPilot, we owe this incredible achievement to you, our valued customers.\xa0

Your support and feedback will always be pivotal in our journey, so we invite you to explore ourTrustPilotreviews and experience our community's shared journey:

Thank You For 17,500 TrustPilot Reviews!

Warm regards,

P.S.Would you like to explore our customer favorites? Check out our top-rated selections below so you can read firsthand accounts from our loyal customers:

Explore Our Top-Rated Dry Herb Vapes!



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