Cheers to looking at the year ahead!

Shebird sent this email to their subscribers on January 2, 2024.
Happy New Year!

Thank you for being here! Every new year brings the opportunity to set new goals and reach new heights. SheBird’s mission has always been to put your boobs first by designing our revolutionary line of clothing with built-in support. (YAY! no more underwire bra! No more wishing you could wear styles that you can’t)
Our mission will always be to support you. But this year, our goal is to go beyond just supporting “your girls” to become a resource and community of women who like to get real about the good, bad, and the ugly of traveling life as a woman!
We have a big year planned and want you to be a part of it! Look out for thought-provoking content on our social feeds, tools, and inspiration from guest bloggers, live Q&A with our in-house team, and lots of requests from us to hear what you want! On the design front, we are, of course, excited to bring you great new styles, more prints, and wonderful fabric that make unwearable styles wearable!

Cheers to making 2024 amazing!

Sheila, Lisa, Susie, Dominique, and Christine

PS: 2024 is about YOU!\xa0

What topics are on your mind?Email us backand share your preferences! We're all ears for what you want to see more of in our content.\xa0

Choose from the list below or suggest your own:
  • Styling
  • Wellness
  • Fitness
  • Travel
  • Pregnancy, Menopause, and other major life changes
  • Dating and Sex
  • Start-up Life and Tools

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