Four Probiotic MYTHS… BUSTED

Silver Fern Brand sent this email to their subscribers on October 6, 2023.

4 Probiotic MYTHS...

Hey ,

The science is clear that the right probiotics candramaticallyimprove the healthy functioning of your digestive system...

But there are a lot of myths about probiotics floating around...

So let's clear some of them up right now, shall we?

1.Don't probiotics need to be refrigerated?

Some probioticsdorequire refrigeration because the bacteria will die if left at room temperature.\xa0

If they can't survive room temperature, however, how can they survive the warm, harsh acidic environment of the stomach?

(Here's a hint...They can't!)

It used to be commonly believed that "living bacteria" was the "best"...

But research has come a long way...

We now know there are certain beneficial strains...

(like the bacillus family of probiotic bacteria)...

can survive the stomach AND make it all the way to the intestines where they are needed most.

Unfortunately, the refrigeration idea was so prevalent that many people today are still leery of unrefrigerated probiotics...

Plenty of companies still offer refrigerated probiotics because of this, which only re-enforces the myth.

TheMOST IMPORTANTthing to look for in a quality probiotic...

...are the strains that have been tested to surviveall the way to the intestines...

which means they can survive outside the refrigerator as well.

2. My yogurt gives me all the probiotics I need

Exactly One Ka-Gillion Dollars has\xa0been spent marketing yogurt as a way to get much-needed probiotics...

but is it really doing what they claim?

(Here's another hint...Nope!)

Yogurt is often filled with sugar...

(sometimes even more than a chocolate bar)\xa0

which actually kills the beneficial bacteria in your gut and feeds the bad kind.

And\xa0how much benefit your gut is getting from the yogurt anyway?

The amount of actual probiotics in most yogurt isn't enough to make much of a difference to your gut...

and if that weren't bad enough...

most of it gets killed by your stomach acids.

So much for yogurt!

A\xa0quality probiotic supplement is the most effective way to get the concentrations that your gut needs...

and you won't need to worry about added sugars, preservatives or unwanted hormones.

3. All good bacteria act as probiotics

There are trillions of bacteria in your intestinal tract...

Many of these bacteria have been identified as "good," but not all of them are the same.

A true "probiotic" is one that can help to colonize the body with helpful bacteria.

A good way to think of the probiotic is like a gardener responsible for identifying the "good" plants and removing the "bad" weeds.

Not all strains of bacteria have the ability to make it to the colon to play a crucial role in fermenting fiber and colonizing helpful bacteria.

The key is to look for strains like those found in
Silver Fern™ Brand's Ultimate Probioticsthat have been proven to colonize the gut.
Ultimate Probiotic

Use This Coupon Code at Checkout\xa0\xa0to Save 10%:


4. Probiotic Supplements should have Enteric Coating so they survive

By now, you can tell that it's critical for probiotics to survive the stomach’s harsh acidic environment in order to be effective.

One way some companies have tried to do this is by using a coating material that prevents the capsule from being broken down in the stomach.

It's a neat idea...

But research shows probiotics are better without the special coatings.

Probiotics need to withstand stomach acids to deliver the probiotics to the right place within your GI tract...

but enteric coating can actually kill some of the probiotics.

High heat is also needed in the enteric coating process...

and yep, you guess it...

high\xa0heat can destroy some of the probiotics.

The best option is to\xa0find strains that naturally survive the stomach and can make it all the way to the intestine.

This is much more reflective of what we see in nature.

There certainly aren't enteric coatings found naturally in any of our food, so look for a supplement that has been tested for survivability.

Best Wishes,
The Silver Fern™ Brand Team

To learn more about the differences between probiotic supplements and probiotics in fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut...

be sure to
watch the interviewbelow with Nutritionist Charity Lighten and Microbiologist Kiran Kirshnan.
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