Ultimate Probiotic – The Ultimate Overview

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Ultimate Probiotic
Ultimate Overview


Probiotics are not a luxury; in fact, they are a very essential nutrient that the human body requires for proper function. Recent advances in science have demonstrated how critical our beneficial bacteria are to our health and wellness. As it turns out, we count on them a lot more than previously thought. In some ways we are more bacteria than human! 10 trillion cells make up the human body and more than 100 trillion beneficial bacteria cells call our body home.
The average person has 10 times more bacteria cells than human cells. Our DNA has only 22,000 genes, yet our bodies carry almost 3.5 million genes from bacteria. Surprisingly our cells even use some of these bacterial genes to conduct necessary functions. It is very clear that there is strong co-evolution between the human host and our 100 trillion passengers; we have come to depend on them as much as they depend on us. Considering that our bodies and our genetics have not changed much in the last 100,000 years we have to wonder: from what sources did our ancestors get their probiotics? They definitely did not have special coated capsules with billions of cells or refrigerators full of probiotic tablet options. How did they get these essential nutrients into their system, where all of this co-evolution occurred? Scientists have studied this very topic and now have a clear understanding of where our distant relatives picked up (and where we now pick up) these important passengers.

The first place we get our natural probiotics is from our dear mothers. Mom does great things for us from the very start. Most of the beneficial bacteria found in the digestive tract come from our mothers, both when we are in the womb itself and during natural child birth. During the birthing process the mother’s bacteria passes onto the fetus and is swallowed by the fetus, thus colonizing the baby’s digestive tract. Trillions of mom’s good bacteria are transferred to her baby this way.LactobacillusandBifidobacteriumspecies (commonly found in probiotic products) are among the strains passed from mother to child in this way. Further, physical contact with mom and breastfeeding expose us to more beneficial bacteria that eventually make a permanent home on us and in us. This is where most of the beneficial bacteria (the bacteria that perform important functions in our digestive systems) come from. These bacteria are designed to pass from mother to child during very, very close contact (i.e. the birthing process and breastfeeding); bacteria also passes from body to body where the gastric system of the child is near neutral since these strains of bacteria are not suited for life outside of the body. They are not designed to leave the body, spend time outside the body or to be reintroduced orally. The best way to positively affect the numbers and population of these bacteria is via a healthy diet that is low in both simple sugars and processed foods while high in soluble and insoluble fibers. These are not the only beneficial bacteria that call the human body home; this brings us to the second way.

The second way that we are introduced to our lifelong partners is through the environment. Our ancestors were hunters and gathers and they ate off the land. The foods they ate contained high amounts of environmental bacteria that ended up in their digestive systems. Many of those bacteria are not stable in the harsh, acid environment of the stomach and never made it to the digestive system. Nonetheless, two classes of bacteria and one fungus did make it through and still do. The two classes of bacteria are spore-formers and the Pediococcus genus; the fungus isSaccharomyces Boulardii. Spore-formers are universally found in the digestive systems of most animals and sea life. They are a true universal probiotic. Pediococcus is ubiquitous in the environment and has been passing through the human digestive tract for millions of years. Saccharomyces lives on the skins of fruits and was consumed all throughout the course of human evolution. These special organisms are designed by nature to be able to survive in the environment for long periods of time, and then, when exposed to a host, they naturally survive the harsh environment of the stomach and eventually make a home in the digestive system. They conduct many important and beneficial functions in the host such as: aid in digestion; help keep the proper balance of good vs. bad bacteria; help fight off bad bacteria; rebuild the intestines; help support the immune system; and produce important nutrients for their host in the digestive system where the nutrients are readily absorbed. Nature has designed these spore-forming bacteria, Pediococcus and fungal probiotic strains to be a true probiotic as they are stable both in the environment (where they gain exposure to the host) and in our digestive systems. Studies have also pointed to many essential functions they perform. The most well-known and well-studied of these super probiotics areBacillus Subtilis,Bacillus Coagulans, Pediococcus Acidilactici and Saccharomyces Boulardii. We have evolved to gain constant exposure to these strains from our food sources; however, in this modern age of sterilized food systems, these essential strains have been nearly eliminated and our exposure to them is very limited. This makes supplementing with them a very important part of a healthy lifestyle.

Here are 6 reasons whyUltimate Probioticshould be your choice for an effective probiotic:

1)Designed by Nature– Our species has evolved to partner with these beneficial bacteria; we get beneficial bacteria and yeast in two ways: from our mother and from our environment. Since we cannot get reborn the only way to keep getting these necessary probiotic yeast and bacteria is from our environment. A true probiotic as designed by nature should exist in the environment, be naturally able to survive the harshness of the stomach and also be naturally adapted to living in the digestive tract. Bacillus spores are the best studied of this class of natural probiotics.Ultimate Probioticis formulated to deliver a potent dose of these essential bacteria and fungal probiotics just as nature intended.

2)Survives with Full Potency– Since these Bacillus species, Pediococcus and fungal probiotics are naturally designed to be stable in the environment and in the stomach the specific dose intended is guaranteed. A total of over 8 billion cells are delivered to the digestive system to perform their probiotic function. Other probiotics that have to be refrigerated or encapsulated with protections (such as enteric coatings) are not designed to be stable in the environment or the stomach. They are not probiotics as nature intended nor can they guarantee the amount being delivered to the digestive system. This is partly why they tend to be formulated with such high cell counts.

3)Delivers Key Nutrients– Besides the digestive benefits and immune support, true probiotics should also provide key nutrients to their host by producing these nutrients right in the digestive tract and at the site of absorption. The strains found inUltimate Probiotichave been shown to produce important levels of key digestive enzymes - vitamin K, quinols, activated B vitamins and even omega fatty acids - right in the digestive system. These probiotics act like little nutrient factories in your body.Ultimate Probioticis the first product to capture this special ability of certain probiotic strains.

4)Highest Quality– All strains used inUltimate Probiotichave been specifically licensed from a top university to ensure safety and potency. It is important to know what you are ingesting;\xa0Ultimate Probioticguarantees that what you see on the label is what enters your body to promote health and wellness. This is done by the industry’s first DNA verification program of probiotic species.

5)Gut Modulation and Repair– The probiotic strains inUltimate Probioticare the first that have shown the ability to actually make permanent changes in the gut. They shift the balance of good to bad bacteria, heal the intestinal walls and mucosa and make permanent changes to how the immune system (80% of which is in the gut) functions. They are designed by nature to be the gut police; they seek out and eliminate bad bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. The strains inUltimate Probiotichave also been shown to detox the gut from toxins that enter in via food, for exampledeoxynivalenol(DON). Through modern lifestyle we assault our gut everyday; we need the daily protection thatUltimate Probioticoffers to one of our most important organs.

6)Supported by Science– All strains inUltimate Probiotichave published studies to demonstrate their function as potent probiotics. You can feel confident that what you are taking has been carefully studied by some of the world’s top researchers in the field.

Ultimate Probioticis the first probiotic formula to capture the power of over 100,000 years of natural design in a single pill and to deliver strains that have been shown to produce important nutrients for its host.
Ready to give it a try?
Silver Fern™ Brand's Ultimate Probiotic.
Use Coupon Code: SILVERFERN10 for 10% off at checkout.

Best Wishes,
The Silver Fern™ Brand Team
Silver FernBrand 510 S 200 W Suite #200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 United State (888) 525-9605
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