Get That (Vitamin) D

smartassandsass US • May 2

Smartass & Sass sent this email to their subscribers on May 1, 2024.
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May's theme is:
Resting Beach Face
Whether we're headed to the Caymans or the kiddie pool in the backyard, the sentiment remains the same: dive into some relaxation, STAT! However long I end up staying, I hope my face gets stuck this way. My true dream job in life is Beach.
Use codeSENDSASSfor 30% off your first subscription!
Only valid for new customers.

Here's what box subscribers will get:
Collectible sassy sticky notes\xa0
Mesh Tote Bag
Quick-dry Beach Towel
Snarky Sunglasses
Sunglasses Case
Sparkly Sticker
Mystery Item
& a sassy shirt for BIG box subscribers!\u2060*⭐
*These items contain profanity.\u2060
⭐ These items are only in the Big Box subscription
Spoiler #1
Vitamin 'D' Sunglasses Case
Keep your sunglasses safe and at the ready for whatever the day may bring in this stylish hard case. Pretty in pink velvet on the outside and sporting a reminder\xa0 to always get that (vitamin) D on the inside, this case has got the whole package.
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Use codeSENDSASSfor 30% off your first subscription!
Only valid for new customers.
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Stay sassy!


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