Grateful For The Power of Giving Back Together!

Can you help us meet our Giving Tuesday goal with a small monthly donation of just $19 per month?

Sydney Paige sent this email to their subscribers on November 22, 2023.

For a monthly donation of just \\$19, you can support one student each month with a brand new, high-quality backpack to boost self-confidence and ignite the love of learning!

Help us reach our Giving Tuesday goal of adding 50 new monthly giving partners to our Sydney Paige Family to help provide the gift of self-confidence to students in need! A little goes a long way . . . For as little as \\$19/month, you can do this for one student each month (12 students a year)!

Click the button below to help us reach our year-end goal and we will send you our one-of-a-kind (designed by our founder) Glorious Giver collectors pin! Get your 2023 pin while supplies last!


THANK YOU for helping us help students in need,

The Very Grateful Sydney Paige Team

For questions or to inquire about how else you can help,

View this email in your browser