9 products to help you keep New Year’s Resolutions

Including 3 ways to boost your health in the new year

The Grommet sent this email to their subscribers on January 6, 2024.
\t\t\tIncluding 3 ways to boost your health in the new year \t\t\t
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Healthy & Happy

More than 30% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions. 🙌

Whether you wrote down your goals for the new year, or simply want to keep your momentum going from 2023,these 9 Makers are here to help you make 2024 happy, healthy, and memorable!

Cheers to living your best life in the new year!\xa0\xa0🎉

Better Health

Soothing relief for your hands\xa0

Soothing relief for your hands

Sarah’s battle with arthritis sent her searching for ways to reduce the pain, but everything on the market was stiff, bulky, and downright unsightly. She created Grace & Able compression gloves to offer relief from hand pain and soreness. They’re ideal for use while typing, knitting, or just relaxing around the house.

Check it out

A more stylish way to workout

A more stylish way to workout

Natalie enjoyed exercise, but hated how standard gym accessories looked. She invented Bala Bangles for stylish resistance during workouts. They come in several sleek colors and aren’t scratchy or oversized like other options out there.

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Helping pain disappear with the push of a button

Helping pain disappear with the push of a button

Preben became interested in TENS therapy after researching ways to help with his wife’s debilitating pain. He wanted a drug-free solution that provided true pain relief quickly. Paingone Plus is a fast-acting pain relief pen that works with the touch of a button.

Check it out

More Happiness

A fun new way to get outside

A fun new way to get outside

We all feel better after moving around outdoors, and Markys and Nicholas have made that easier than ever thanks to Gravity Disc. These fun flying saucers are like mini frisbees that fly 200+ feet and even light up at night.

Check it out

Your feet will thank you

Your feet will thank you

Jacob was on the hunt for fashionable slippers that didn’t cost a fortune. Fed up with current options, he created Pillow Slides to feel like a dream on your feet. Now you’ll be able to smile as you practically float around the house on these comfy slides.

Check it out

Enjoy a heavenly foot massage

Enjoy a heavenly foot massage

It would be nice if we all had a masseuse on call 24/7, but the Miko Y2 Foot Massager is the next best thing. Slip your feet into this at the end of a long day, and enjoy massaging heat therapy that pairs great with a good book or a nice glass of wine to help you wind down.

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Cleaner Home

Tame that closet mess

Tame that closet mess

Rick and Kim are the husband and wife team ready to turn your closet from a disaster zone into an organized paradise. Their closet organizer, SpaceCadet, optimizes your closet space, creating even spacing for your clothing. Enjoy a neater and cleaner look for the new year.

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Turn any drill into a powerful cleaner

Turn any drill into a powerful cleaner

In 2024, don’t rely on old fashioned elbow grease to keep the house looking its best. Instead, use Drillbrush to power scrub dirt, stains, and grime away. It’s the brainchild of Anthony LaPolla, who invented this clever kit after dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome for years.

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Catch detergent drips before they make a mess

Catch detergent drips before they make a mess

Julie developed this made in the USA drip catcher so you wouldn’t have to deal with unwanted drips and splashes in your laundry room. Simply attach it to your regular detergent containers and never worry about them dripping again!

Check it out