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Help small businesses shine & leave a quick review

The Grommet sent this email to their subscribers on January 5, 2024.
\t\t\tHelp small businesses shine & leave a quick review \t\t\t
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Happy New Year! 🎉\xa0

As we dive into 2024, we're excited about the journey ahead with you, our awesome Grommet community, and the brilliant Makers bringing innovation to life.

Quick favor: If you love Grommet as much as we do, share the love!Click the link below to tell your friends about Grommet, the cool discoveries, and the amazing Makers behind them.

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Since '09, Grommet has thrived on word-of-mouth. When you come across a Maker's story that sparks joy, or a product that makes you think "why didn't I think of that?" we encourage you to pass it on.

Your shares, upvotes, and purchases drive our mission to champion innovation and support small businesses.

Thanks for being a vital part of Grommet's success! Here's to a fantastic year ahead.


Team Grommet

PS. If you have an extra minute, please leave us a review!

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