60+ Resolutions You Can Totally Achieve in 2024

The Everygirl sent this email to their subscribers on December 30, 2023.

*plus, the 10 pieces worth adding to your capsule wardrobe*

60 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions You Can Totally Achieve This Year


In 2024, it’s time to ditch the typical resolutions that leave you feeling stressed out or let down year after year. Instead, opt for resolutions that you’ll enjoy so much and will make you feel so good, you’ll have no trouble sticking with them at all.


From The Editors

We all deserve to spend some quality time with the person who has always shown up for us: ourselves.


TBH, I think these are the resolutions I’m most likely to keep.


How We’re Prioritizing Sleep in the New Year

With the new year coming in hot, it’s open season for setting 2024 intentions. At the top of our list? Getting good sleep. Not only does this come with incredible health benefits, but it also gives us the energy we need to reach many of our other new year's goals (👋 6:30am workout). If your bedtime routine could use a bit of a makeover,\xa0Hatch Restore 2\xa0has you covered. Thanks to its soothing combination of lights and sounds (and gentle sunrise wake-up), creating healthier sleep habits has never been easier.

The 10 Pieces Our Fashion Editor Added to Her Capsule Wardrobe in 2023


Rather than focusing exclusively on trends this year—don’t get me wrong, I’ll always have trendy pieces in my wardrobe—I decided to really hone in on curating my capsule wardrobe, and so far, I’ve succeeded.


This email contains a sponsored placement of Hatch, but all opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.


The Everygirl’s product selections are curated by the editorial team. If you purchase through one of our links, we may earn a small commission at no cost to you. We only recommend products we genuinely love.


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