How To Tap Into Your Best Self Energy ✨

The Everygirl sent this email to their subscribers on January 24, 2024.

*plus, the best time to book flights for 2024 travel*

Check any self-judgment and criticism at the door because this week is all about taking action to unlock your inner power, AKA the highest version of yourself—whether that’s leveling up your health, relationships, career, finances, or all the above. Read on for a breakdown of Week #4 of our\xa0January Challenge\xa0(P.S.\xa0click here to start at Week One). Consider it a seven-day guide to living authentically.


New From The Editors


Interior designer Lindye Galloway sat down with Josie for a masterclass on romanticizing your life and using your home as a tool for manifestation.


Graphics: Aryana Johnson

I Love Trader Joe’s But These Aldi Items Are Even Better


Over the past several months of shopping at Aldi weekly, I’ve realized that Aldi and Trader Joe’s have a lot more similarities than I initially thought. In fact, for many of the\xa0Trader Joe’s items that I’ve come to know and love, I’ve found alternative Aldi products that are equally good (and sometimes less expensive).


Everything You Should Do When You Have a UTI That Just Won’t Go Away

You’re getting ready to head out the door, buzzing with excitement to enjoy the super fun plans you’ve had lined up for weeks, and then suddenly it strikes—that awful feeling of another UTI coming on. The problem is most doctors rely on antiquated urine cultures to diagnose UTIs and usually have to guess which is the correct antibiotic to treat them. And if they guess incorrectly, your UTI will continue to recur. Well, step aside urine cultures, there’s a new kid in town.\xa0MicroGenDX\xa0now offers an\xa0at-home urine test\xa0that combines two advanced technologies called next generation sequencing (NGS) and qualitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Instead of relying on bacterial cultures to grow, it reads their DNA to pinpoint the exact pathogen that's causing your UTI—and you can share your results with your doctor to get the precise antibiotic to treat it.

This email contains a sponsored inclusion of MicroGenDX, but all opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.


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