The Key to Reaching Your 2024 Money Goals

The Everygirl sent this email to their subscribers on January 25, 2024.

Sure, girl math may be TikTok’s latest viral trend—and its allure is completely relatable. We’re only human after all, and the desire to splurge and treat ourselves (sans the nagging guilt) is totally natural. But habitual overspending, however justified it may seem, does not necessarily lead to good financial health. That’s why we are pumped to partner with\xa0Bank of America\xa0to share alllll the right money moves that will actively help you increase your financial wellness this year.


We spoke with Holly O’Neill, President of Retail Banking, who views financial wellness as an important piece of your overall health and wellness. Not only does it help you feel secure in your day-to-day finances, according to O’Neill, it also means feeling prepared to handle whatever life might throw at you, whether it’s unexpected car trouble or a last-minute trip to see family. Lucky for us, she’s spilling the tea on five simple steps you can take to increase your financial wellness so you’re able to make choices that allow you to enjoy life (you know, like paying extra for guac).

O’Neill looks at financial wellness as a journey, not a destination. “Maintaining your financial health takes time, effort and intention,” she says. Her team at\xa0Bank of America\xa0is there to help you make better financial decisions along the way, build good habits, and make it as easy as possible to reach your goals. Whether it’s buying dinner for girls’ night out, paying off a student loan, or saving for your dream house, says O’Neill, being in better control of your finances will reduce the stress in your life and bring you a better peace of mind.

This email is sponsored by Bank of America, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.


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