Sustainability in the World of Interior Design, and at TOI

Sustainability: a word so pivotal in the world of interior design. Now more than ever, as designers we need to be making conscious...

Tobias Oliver Interiors sent this email to their subscribers on April 26, 2024.

Embracing Sustainability:

The Journey of a Sustainable Interior Designer

In a world increasingly attuned to the importance of environmental stewardship, the role of a sustainable interior designer has never been more crucial. Our homes and workspaces are not just physical areas; they represent the ethos we carry into the future. As a sustainable interior designer, our journey is about more than creating aesthetically pleasing spaces—it's about cultivating environments that respect both human health and the planet.

Understanding the Impact

Every choice made in the constellation of interior design—from materials to energy usage—has environmental implications. Sustainable interior design is not a trend; it's a necessary shift in how we think about the spaces where we spend our lives. It involves selecting materials that are durable, recyclable, or sustainably sourced,employing energy-efficient lighting, and optimising natural light to reduce energy consumption.

Material Matters

One of the first steps in our design process at Tobias Oliver Interiors (TOI) is choosing the right materials. We prioritise those with low environmental impact, such as reclaimed wood, bamboo, and recycled plastics, metals or glass. An example of this ECONYL, a carpet that is soft, luxurious and durable;made from regenerated nylon, a yarn made from recycled fishing nets collected from the bottoms of the Earth’s oceans.

These materials not only reduce the depletion of resources but also minimise the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing and transportation. Moreover, using non-toxic paints, finishes and adhesives ensures that indoor air quality is maintained, creating safer,healthier environments for our clients.

Energy Efficiency

Sustainable design seamlessly integrates energy efficiency into its core principles. This approach includes installing LED lighting, energy-efficient appliances, and smart thermostats. \xa0Additionally, positioning windows strategically not only enhances natural lighting but also aids in passive heating and cooling, which significantly reduces reliance on artificial climate control.

Waste Reduction

A crucial aspect of sustainable interior design is minimising waste. This involves planning and designing spaces that are flexible and adaptable, allowing for changes in use without major renovations. Furniture and fixtures that can be easily repaired, repurposed and redeployed at the end of their life cycles are areas we consider when designing.

Local Sourcing

Whenever possible, we source materials and labour locally. This practice supports our local economy and reduces the emissions associated with long-distance transportation. It also fosters a sense of community by integrating local culture and artisanal craftsmanship into the design which provides a more personable design that our clients can really relate too.

Educating and Advocating

Part of being a sustainable interior designer is taking on the role of an educator and advocate. This involves informing clients about the benefits of sustainable practices and encouraging them to make eco-friendly choices. It also means staying informed about the latest developments in sustainable design and continually evolving our practices to ensure they remain on the cutting edge of sustainability.

We have teamed up with Ecologi so our clients, customers and people like YOU can actually take on the climate crisis. \xa0Every item you purchase through Tobias Oliver Interiors (TOI) will mean one tree will be planted. \xa0Either online or through our interior design services - every single item means another newtree being planted. \xa0We want to be as involved as possible when it come sto tackling the climate crisis, furthering our commitment by using sustainable materials and packing on all our ecommerce orders.\xa0 To date TOI has planted over 13,000 trees and supported the prevention of 20 tonnes of CO2 being emitted through four certified carbon avoidance projects.

Re-using Samples

Within the design industry it is vital to be able to see and feel materials in person, to be able to create amazing design schemes and present it to the client. However, samples can often be used once and then thrown away. This is something that we try to avoid at all costs at TOI. Where possible, we re-use our samples for multiple design schemes. This reduces the impact on the planet not only because we don’t create more waste, but we also save the carbon emissions that would have come along with the shipping of samples from brands to our studio.

The Reward

The true reward of being a sustainable interior designer comes from knowing that each space we create not only looks good but also does good. It's about seeing a project come together in a way that aligns with my commitment to the planet—a testament to the fact that design can be both beautiful and benevolent.

As the journey of sustainable design continues to unfold, it's clear that the choices we make today will define the legacy we leave tomorrow. To us, being a sustainable interior designer is not just a profession; it's a passion and a responsibility to contribute to a more sustainable world, one space at a time.

Best wishes,

Tobias Oliver