We just got this review in and it’s killing me

Check out Benjamin's uproarious review of zuPOO! His candid advice includes investing in quality toilet paper and avoiding public 'situations.' Discover why zuPOO is effective, yet not for the faint of heart. Read, laugh, and learn from a verified customer's journey to feeling leaner.

UMZU sent this email to their subscribers on January 4, 2024.
UMZU 2024 New Year's Sale
Funny Reviews

This stuff works so well, it should come with a disclaimer and require a signature of consent before customers purchase it.All I can say is you better invest in a family pack of some high-quality toilet paper before you start taking this. Seriously, you are not ready for what is about to come out of you... The first 24 hours are the worst...

DO NOT, under ANY circumstances, chance any farts in public for ANY reason, I don't care how bad your stomach is growling. You will 💩 your pants.Absolutely do not plan on going out on any dates until you have finished your cleansing cycle, there will be no second date.

Also, if you choose to look at what you have created after you have expelled what has been sitting in your body for so long, you will have nightmares. Justflush and rush, do not investigate. But yeah, it works. You'll drop a few pounds and feel way leaner. “

-BenjaminVerified zuPOO Customer

Benjamin - Verified zuPOO Customer
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