Message From David

We the People Holsters sent this email to their subscribers on February 22, 2024.

Dear Gun-Loving Americans,

I'm stoked to showcase\xa0our kickassPro 2A Collection. As a company that values individual liberty and the right to bear arms, we've created a collection of products that showcases our unapologetic support for the Second Amendment.

From badass t-shirts,\xa0stickers, and accessories that scream "Molon Labe," ourPro 2A Collectionis the ultimate way to show your support for gun ownership.

In a world where the anti-gun crowd is gaining more ground every day, it's time for us to stand up and fight back. It's about sending a message that we won't be silenced or disarmed. We will stand strong and defend our right to bear arms.

So, if you're ready to take a stand and show the world that you won't be a victim, check out ourPro 2A Collection here. Remember, the Second Amendment isn't just a right, it's a responsibility.

Stay badass,

We The People Holsters

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