Letters From Your Future Self

ZOX sent this email to their subscribers on February 16, 2024.

Hey -,

I'm so happy that so many Zoxers are lovingthis week's release! This was such an amazing curation of artwork, designs, and messages that I absolutely love, and clearly, a lot of Zoxers have as well.
This week's theme was based on the question:
Imagine a future version of you, 10 years from now, travels back in time to visit you today. They give you a hug, then give you a ZOX that makes you tear up, because the words on it are exactly what you've needed to hear for a while now. What are the words on the inside of that ZOX?
The ZOX released this weekwere made to encompass the most common themes we came across from everyone's answers: That we really did make a difference and to appreciate the beauty in the chaos of it all.
Along with new releases, I've added a few other ZOX that I think align best with a lot of the other answers that we saw. If you want to check it out and find your favorites,you can shop the collection here.\xa0
Best wishes,
P.S. We're so happy so many of you are loving the stories! If you have a story you'd like to share with the ZOX Community,please submit it here.




7701 N FM 620, Austin, TX 78726

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