Stories from the ZOX Community

ZOX sent this email to their subscribers on March 4, 2024.

Hey -,

I've had a busy few weeks here at ZOX, so I've fallen a bit behind on publishing some ofthese storiesfrom around the ZOX Community.\xa0
Most recently:
Sue told us about starting a Mental Health Warrior community in the UK around ZOX
TJ shared the story of losing his wife and how her love of ZOX has given him and his family a connection to her they can wear each day.\xa0
Heather lost her job, went back for her masters, and nailed her interview while using confidence from her ZOX.\xa0
There's a few extra stories, but I don't want to give too much away. If you'd like to read them all,you can find them here.\xa0
Also, we're testing out sharing stories via Instagram Reels and through TikTok. We turn each story into a narrated video so you can listen instead of reading. We've only done one so far, butyou can check it out here.
Best wishes,
P.S. If you have a story you'd like to share with the ZOX Community,please submit it here. We've had less stories these last few weeks, so the more we have, the more we can create and share!




7701 N FM 620, Austin, TX 78726

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